Physically visible and accessible Temples of ECK are rare – the only existing ones are the Golden Wisdom Temple of ECK at Chanhassen and the ECK Temple of Connecticut (located at Middlefield) both in the United States of America, the ECK Temple of Quebec, Canada (located at Sherbrook) and, in Africa, the Temple of ECK Accra (Ghana), the Temple of ECK Port Harcourt (Nigeria), and the Temple of ECK (Lome).
P. O. Box AN 11411 Accra North
Accra, Ghana
History of the Temple
Soon after the Temple of ECK in Chanhassen, Minnesota U.S.A. was dedicated on October 22, 1990, an application was sent to ECKANKAR for permission to build a home for Eckankar in Ghana. Within the next few years, Eckankar Ghana received permission to build the Temple of ECK Accra. But the dream of building a home for Eckankar in Ghana had begun in 1986 when an application was submitted to the Ghana government for land in Accra. The initial allocation at Asylum Down turned out to be too small for the proposed Temple so the Ghana Lands Commission allocated a 1.25-acre plot at Okponglo in East Legon Accra in 1995. Planning permission and building permit for the Temple complex consisting of a three-storey temple edifice and a two-storey administration block were approved in 1998.
Ground Breaking
In a simple but historic ceremony, Peter Skelskey, the President of Eckankar, cut the sod on Sunday, August 15 1999, for the commencement of the construction of a Temple of ECK Accra. The ceremony was witnessed by visiting RESAs, members of the ECKANKAR-Ghana Board of Trustees, High Initiates and members of the building committee.
Project Status, Goals, and Schedule
Construction of the Temple began in November 1999 with the digging of the foundation, and the sub-structure was completed a year later in November 2000. Following the creation of a funding committee and reconstitution of the building committee in December 2004, the pace of work increased significantly, leading to the completion and opening of the Administration Building in April 2006 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Eckankar Ghana Satsang Society. Significant dates marking the progress of work on the Temple project were as follows:
August 2007 – completion of the first-floor slab-work, which provided a roof for the Fellowship Hall;
December 2009 – completion of the roofing – the main roof over the Sanctuary or Auditorium and roof over the offices and class-rooms on the second floor;
December 2010 – completion of the ziggurat roof over the Chapel on the second floor, and commencement of block-work partitioning, plumbing, electrical wiring, installation of windows and doors, and fencing of the premises; and
2011 witnessed both interior and exterior plastering, ceiling works, screeding and tiling of floors, installation of burglar-proof railings for the windows and doors on the ground-floor and first-floor.
The pace of work had to be accelerated considerably in 2012 to ensure the completion of the Temple for the annual ECK African Seminar in August.
The President of ECKANKAR, Peter Skelskey, dedicated the Temple of ECK Accra at an impressive ceremony on Saturday, August 4, 2012. The ceremony, which formed part of the 2012 ECK African Seminar, was witnessed by all the African RESAs and other visiting RESAs, about 6000 seminar participants, and the general public including many invited personalities. The list of invited guests and visitors at the ceremony reflected the good understanding and very cordial relations between Eckankar and the various religions, traditional rulers, the Government of Ghana, and ordinary Ghanaians. After his solemn declaration: “On behalf of Sri Harold Klemp, the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, the Spiritual Leader of ECKANKAR, I now dedicate this building as a Temple of ECK”. Peter Skelskey ended the ceremony with this cordial invitation: The Temple of ECK is open to all who love God and want to experience the love of God. Welcome home; welcome to your new home. Let the celebration begin! May the blessings be.
Facilities at the Temple Complex
The adjoining Administration Building has been in use as the National ECK Center since December 2006. In addition to a board-room, the building accommodates the various services: Administration and Finance, Vahana, Youth and Family, Seminar and Spiritual Services.
The Temple edifice has a total seating-capacity of 5200 and is equipped for such public events as ECK Light and Sound Services, seminars, workshops, various classes, and the four celebrations of life (consecration or baptism, rite of passage or confirmation, ECK wedding, and ECK memorial service). The facilities in the edifice include:
The Fellowship Hall on the ground floor; The Fellowship Hall is used for receptions, fellowship gatherings, meetings, and workshops and has a seating capacity of 1,400.
The Sanctuary or Main Auditorium on the first floor; East and West flight of open stairways lead from the ground floor to the spacious entrance lobby of the Sanctuary. At the top of the central stairway are two refreshing water fountains which welcome visitors as they approach the entrance lobby. The Sanctuary or Main Auditorium has 1440 seats for big audiences at public events like ECK Worship Services (every Sunday), seminars and workshops, community HU songs and the four celebrations of life (consecration, rite of passage, ECK wedding, and ECK memorial service).
A Ramp or Handicap Access; In addition to the Main Entrance Stairways and a Side Entrance Stairway, there is a ramp which provides wheel chair access from the ground floor to the Sanctuary.
The Chapel, Galleries, offices and meeting-rooms on the second floor (East, South and West wings); The Chapel which has a seating capacity of 100 is a serene place for contemplation, and a venue for conducting private ceremonies of the four celebrations of life, attended by smaller groups. The Galleries provide an additional seating space of 420. There are 24 offices and classrooms adjoining the galleries.
Spacious Walkways
There are spacious walkways surrounding the Fellowship Hall on the ground floor and the Sanctuary or Main Auditorium on the first floor.
The facilities also include a public Library and Reading Room; a Gift Room of ECK books and materials for both ECKists and Visitors. There are 28 washrooms within the Temple edifice. During big events, some 1400 temporary seats can be arranged under canopies erected around the compound.
Flower Garden
A flower garden adorns the grounds of the Temple; the adjourning open space, developed into an extensive garden with the approval of its owners (the Ghana Grid Company Ltd.), could be used as additional temporary parking space, when necessary.
Golden Ziggurat
A note-worthy architectural feature is the golden ziggurat, a stepped pyramidal roof reminiscent of ancient Sumer and Assyria architecture. As Sri Harold Klemp points out in his book The Temple of ECK (the Golden Wisdom Temple of ECK in Chanhassen): “The ziggurat symbolizes mankind’s spiritual journey up the plateaus of life. Humanity starts at the level of human consciousness and makes its deliberate way to the summit, which is God Consciousness”.
Significance of the Temple
A physically accessible ECK temple is of much significance for individual ECKists (members of Eckankar), the ECK community as a body, and the general public. An ECK Temple is a spiritual center for the ECK teachings; it provides an appropriate setting and a meeting-point for both ECKists and the public in their quest for receiving and sharing the Light and Sound of God. It is a venue for unveiling to seekers of truth the ECK teachings: the meaning and relevance of life’s spiritual principles at play in the everyday circumstances of man as Soul. The temple is to serve as a bridge between the ECK community and the rest of society, so that the nature and value of Eckankar can be revealed to the world.
The multi-purpose Temple of ECK in Accra provides an effective venue for the various public ECK events that have emerged worldwide. In The Temple of ECK publication, Sri Harold Klemp sheds light on the significance of a physical ECK temple: “The Temple of ECK is a gift to the world. It will bring a spiritual healing to many. All who approach the ECK Temple in purity and in light will find the blessings of God entering their lives. The dedication of the Temple thus becomes a personal consecration as well. The Temple of ECK is a center from which the message of the Light and Sound of God will reach many seekers.”
Building the Temple within
The dream of constructing the temple edifice became a reality through various contributions of both the ECK community and other members of the society within and outside Ghana. The ECK chelas (members) were urged to make sure that their participation in the physical manifestation of an outer temple served as a catalyst for the consolidation of their inner temples, as individual Souls. Each person needs to be aware of the inner temple that must be visited on a continuous basis to maintain its strength and enhance the purity, serenity and beauty of the imperishable edifice that is Soul.
This is how Sri Harold puts it “The Temple of ECK stands directly on a dotted line which separates the microcosm from the macrocosm. The Temple puts together two principles of ECK which belong together: the individuality of Soul and Soul’s mission to become a Co-worker with God. Soul is an individual seeking God-Realization so, as a Co-worker with God, It can serve life better…. Our physical bodies are likewise temples. Both they and the Temple of ECK are centers through which the ECK, the Holy Spirit, passes to reach people in search of truth. Both the Temple of ECK and our bodies are sacred. They are both dedicated as vehicles for the Sound Current, to help the Mahanta with his mission. His mission is to return those Souls who are ready to the Kingdom of God”.
The Temple – a spiritual gift to all
The ECK teachings are ancient but are valid for all times, simply because they constitute the Eternal Truth. The Temple of ECK in Accra has been built to provide a familiar venue for the world to come and savor that truth. Eckankar has therefore thrown the doors of the Temple wide open, for, as the title of an ECK book for the youth asserts: “If you build it, they will come”. Welcome to the Temple of ECK Accra.
For more information on the Temple of Eck Accra Fund
Contact the following:
Isaac Igoma, Chairman of the Building Committee – email: isaacigoma@yahoo.com
To donate to the Temple of ECK Accra Fund
To make a donation to the Temple of ECK Accra Fund, please wire your donation to the account of Eckankar Ghana Satsang Society, P. O. Box AN 11411 Accra North, Ghana.
1. Account Name: ECK Temple Building Account (US$)
Account No. : 0051094402587601
ECOBANK Ghana Ltd.
Silver Star Tower Branch,
Airport City, Accra
Swift Code: ECOCGHAC
Via Corresponding Bank in the USA:
Citibank NA, 111 Wall Street
New York, NY 10043
Account No. 36013639
Account Name: ECOBANK Ghana Ltd.
Swift Code: CITIUS33
Via Corresponding Bank in Europe:
Ghana Commercial Bank PLC
69 Cheapside
London EC2P 2BB
Account No. 0001362303
Account Name: ECOBANK Ghana Ltd.
Swift Code: GHIBGB2L
2. Account Name: Eckankar Ghana Building Cedi Account (GHC)
Account No. 0050094402587604
ECOBANK Ghana Ltd.
Silver Star Tower Branch,
Airport City, Accra
(Use Ecobank Rapid Transfer in Countries within Africa)